14th IEEE International Conference on
Network Protocols
Santa Barbara,
California, USA
November 12 - 15, 2006
November 12 - 15, 2006

The 14th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols
November 12-15, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
- The final program with links to papers and presentations is now available.
- Poster titles and abstracts now online
- Information regarding Student Travel Grants and Minority and Faculty Travel Grants are now online.
- On November 13th, Prof. Scott Shenker will be presented the 2006 IEEE Internet Award, "For contributions towards an understanding of resource sharing on the Internet." More details here.
- The Keynote Talk at ICNP 2006 will be given by Dr. Wei Zhao, division director of Computer and Network Systems (CNS) at the National Science Foundation, and Senior Associate Vice President for Research at Texas A&M University. Click here for more details.
Important Dates
- Paper registration: May 9, 2006
- Paper submission: May 16, 2006
- Notification of acceptance: July 21, 2006
- Camera ready version: August 11, 2006
Thanks to our sponsors: